For the Public

Welcome to the Philadelphia County Dental Society website.

The Philadelphia County Dental Society (PCDS) is a professional association of dentists dedicated to upholding ethical principles in the field of dentistry. Please be advised that we are not a dental practice and do not perform dental services, however, we'd love to help you be able to find the services you need. We are happy to be nestled in the city of "Brotherly Love" along with two prominent Dental Schools - The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and Temple University Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry. So many great dentists have come from both of these prestigious schools.

PCDS has been around since 1886. A meeting of Philadelphia dentists was held for the purpose of organizing a dental society for mutual advancement and professional protection and to seek the enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth governing the practice of dentistry. You can read more about our history here.

Please feel free to scroll through this section to find useful dental information and FAQs. If your dental question is not answered by the information provided on this site, please feel free to contact us for further assistance.