Get Involved with PCDS

We have historically seen many successful individuals and leaders come from this very society - are you ready to be a part of our new future and make history?

Membership Committee: (Dr. Nipa Thakkar, Chair)

Due to Covid-19, we’ve had a loss in membership. One of our main goals for 2022 remains to gain membership. The more members we reach, the more we can learn how to better serve our community. The Membership Committee could use help in the following areas:

  • Strategize ways to gain membership
  • Brainstorm ideas for membership events to gauge member interest in the Society and get members more involved and help with events already being planned
  • Discuss ways to educate members/non-members about the member benefits PCDS offers
  • Develop other member benefits that would be useful to existing members and entice non-members

Mentoring Committee: (Dr. David Tecosky/Dr. Kevin Klatte Chairs)

We are a unique district in that we have two, well known dental schools in our county and have access to many dental students. We could use help with the following:

  • Planning mentoring sessions for dental students and pre-dental students
  • Developing opportunities for shadowing at dental offices
  • Setting up speaking events at local colleges and universities for dental and pre-dental students

Journal/Newsletter Committee: (Dr. David Tecosky, Editor)

PCDS offers a quarterly journal to all members. In addition to the Journal, there is a monthly newsletter - Smile Philcodent that is published in the months the Journal is not. The Journal team could use help with the following:

  • Helping the Editor, Associate Editor and Managing Editor with new content and articles and edits
  • Suggestions on how to engage our members through the Journal
  • Suggestions on the content you’d like to see in the Journal and how it can serve as an even better benefit to members
  • Writing an article for the Journal or Newsletter

Educations/CE Committee: (Dr. Stanley Markiewicz, Chair)

We have been working directly with the PDA to organize our Liberty Continuing Education Series for our members. We could use help with the following:

  • Providing suggestions on topics or areas you’d like to see for a CE Course
  • Volunteering to help at the CE Courses
  • Brainstorming ideas on how to advertise our CE Courses and ensure a good attendance at the events


There are currently no open positions on the Board of Governors, however, joining in the other committees and volunteering will pave the way for leadership opportunities within the Society.

If you're interested in getting more involved with any of the committees above, please contact Lisa Gottlieb to discuss further.