2022 Installation of Officers
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
The PCDS Annual Installation of Officers Dinner was held at Magianno's in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
We had a wonderful time celebrating our outgoing President, Dr. Renee Fennell, our incoming 2022 PCDS President, Dr. Janine Burkhardt, Secretary, Dr. Stanley Markiewicz, Treasurer, Dr. Kevin Klatte (who sadly could not attend), and Governors, Dr. Roopali Kulkarni and Dr. Allison Rascon. Congratulations to all!
Dr. Ingrid Carvo with her Appreciation Award for service as PCDS Board of Governor for 2022-2023!
Not in attendance, Dr. Jessica Yi, who also served as a PCDS Board of Governor for 2022-2023. We are so grateful to both for their innovative ideas and dedicated time with PCDS.